In view of selecting students for its award of scholarships against the 2019/2020 academic year, the NDES FOUNDATION organized an eligibility test for orphans of the St. Glory Orphanage, Teleola Martha Foundation and Mountain Kids Orphanage in the Buea Municipality. The tests took place on the 08th August 2019 at the premises of each of the orphanages.
The delegation from NDES Foundation started at the Mountain Kids Orphanage at Bokwango before proceeding to the Teleola Martha Foundation at Long Street and ended at the St. Glory Orphanage at Malingo Street Molyko. The tests comprised of simple I.Q type questions to test the smartness of the kids. Two separate tests were set for pupils in the primary school and students in the Secondary school. In total, 28 kids took the test, 05 from Teleola Martha, 09 from Mountain kids and 14 from St. Glory. The children were happy to be part of the initiative and showed enthusiasm in answering the questions. The team from the foundation explained that the objective of the test was to set an impartial ground upon which one or two orphans from each of the orphanage would be selected for a cash award of scholarship to pay for their school fees against the 2019/2020 academic year. In addition to the test results, the past academic records of the kids will be taken in consideration when selecting recipients for the award.
The Proprietresses of the various orphanages such as Mrs. Toge Racheal of the St. Glory Orphanage applauded the initiative and thanked the NDES Foundation for considering their kids for such an award. They expressed many difficulties faced in handling not only the school needs of the orphans but in feeding and catering for them. Reason why such a gesture was highly appreciated. The NDES Foundation acknowledged the great job they were already doing and promised to work together with them in providing timely assistance to the orphanages not only in the domain of education but in the domain of health care too.
At the end of the exercise, pictures were taken with the kids who were more than happy to be part of the initiative. The Foundation Secretary, Ngasa Pride Yanu, assured the authorities of the orphanages that in the days ahead, the foundation will be organizing a handing over ceremony to award the scholarships and other educational materials to the deserving pupils and students.
Written by: SAKWE RUTH AYINEH- Vice President, the NDES FOUNDATION.